You’ve come to the right spot to purchase your 2025 Superstition ARC SuperFest Grand Prize Raffle Tickets. Tickets are $4.00 each, or 4 for $24, or 20 for $50 for a chance to win one of these four great prizes:
First Prize:
- Kenwood TS590SG - 100W HF/6 Meter Base Transceivers
Second Prize:
- Icom IC-705 – HF/VHF/UHF All Mode Portable QRP 5W/10W Transceiver
Third Prize:
- Icom IC-7300 - HF/50MHz TransceiverSecond Prize:
Forth Prize:
- Yaesu FTM150RASP – 55/50W 144/430MHz FM Dual Band Mobile Transceiver
Best of all, you do not need to be present to win any of these prizes! Don’t wait to get your tickets as they will sell fast.